Hi! I'm Jeannine

an Intuitive Guide

I help women reconnect with their inner wisdom and purpose.

About Me

I help women step in to step out

Native from the Acadian French shores of Eastern Nova Scotia, I’ve stepped into a more rural city vibe and now reside in Bedford, NS.

In 2017, I realized my marriage was coming to an end. For two years before leaving my 27-year relationship, I grappled with the realization that staying meant settling. I had always envisioned growing old with my partner, but things were changing, and I faced a choice: remain in a mediocre life or leave and rediscover true joy within myself. Finding that joy took work; living in Costa Rica during the separation, I returned to Canada to face a financial crisis. I needed SUPPORT!

Vulnerability and seeking guidance were my first steps. TRUSTING the process, myself, the Universe, those around me, my heart, and my decisions—even when they seemed illogical to others—was crucial in finding my joy and getting back on track. Lastly, ALIGNED ACTION was key. I chose not to remain in fetal position on my sister’s couch for too long. Baby steps were necessary. With the right support and trust, I found clarity, became empowered, and created a fulfilling life for myself and my two beautiful daughters, ultimately discovering my purpose. In 2021, I opened Fully Align Studio, only to lose it in the July 2023 Bedford floods. Instead of closing the doors for good, I saw this as a sign that the Universe had other things in store.

My Expertise and Services

My Expertise

and Services

I am passionate about my business, leading a heart-centred wellness company focused on intentional stillness, authenticity, and alignment.

I guide women in exploring intentional stillness through

various modalities, supporting their healing journey. I empower them to build self-trust and prioritize themselves, helping them recognize triggers and gain mental and emotional strength. Meeting clients where they are, I aid them in gaining clarity, building confidence, and aligning with their soul’s purpose. Through my guidance, women rediscover their intuitive insights, step out of their comfort zones, and change their vibrational state to stand in their power and foster positive change.

I facilitate many facets of my business, from leading workshops and providing energy work to speaking and authoring, through various modalities and both one-on-one and group offerings. As a speaker, I invite my audience to embrace intentional stillness and embark on a journey of self-discovery. I'm also a published co-author of the book Superwoman Myths – Break the Rules of Silence and Speak UP Your Truth. In 2023, I was honoured to be a top 5 finalist for the Halifax Chamber of Commerce New Business of the Year Award.

If you are looking for someone to walk beside you and meet you where you are, Jeannine will do so with compassion and a strong grounded presence so that you can feel safe as you shift your life to a healthier, happier, more connected you!

Download your e-book

Me Time Without The Guilt

3 Ways to Create Your Own

Guilt-Free ME TIME

Email: [email protected]

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