Trusting the Inner Compass: How Following Intuition Can Transform Your Life
Have you ever had a quiet feeling or gentle push guiding you toward something unexpected or possibly urging you to do something that feels mundane? It could be a nudge to say yes to an event, reach out to someone, take a detour on your way home, or even grab the pen sitting on the table as you’re heading out the door. Often, we can't explain these urges scientifically, but many of us have experienced that life seems to work better when we follow them.
Whether we call it God, the Universe, our Higher Self, or simply intuition, there's a knowing deep inside us that directs us toward what we need most—even if we don't realize it at the time.
Listening to these nudges can feel like tapping into something bigger—the universal wisdom we all share. By following your intuition, you allow life to unfold in surprising, meaningful ways. I can't pinpoint exactly how it works, but I can share how it has worked for me—and why it might just be a piece of the puzzle that will shift things for you!
The Simple Power of Listening to Nudges
In my life, I've learned to pay attention to the small signs—the whispers of intuition that come my way. I try not to dismiss these subtle feelings; instead, I act on them, even if they don’t seem particularly important. It’s not always about making big, life-altering decisions; sometimes, it’s as simple as returning inside your home as you sit and start your car (not knowing why… until you walk in and see that bag you forgot to bring with you to the car) or agreeing to attend a last-minute event.
Just recently, I had another reminder of how powerful it can be to trust these nudges. A few weeks ago, I came across an event centered around movement and clay as a new moon ritual. It piqued my interest, but the price was a bit out of my range, so I put it out of my mind. Then, on the Friday of the event, a friend messaged me out of the blue and asked if I was planning to attend. Her message was a reminder (a nudge) inviting me to not ignore this opportunity.
Opening Up to Possibility
Even though I hadn’t initially planned on attending, I felt a pull to see if there was still a spot. When I reached out, I found out that there was, and on a whim, I asked if a two-payment option might be possible. The answer was a resounding “yes,” as if the universe was encouraging me to say yes to this experience.
Once I arrived, what unfolded was far beyond my expectations. I found myself in a space that allowed me to explore my creativity and connect with others on a deep level. Not only was the day one of play and joy, but it was also a chance to receive validation for my work from others who valued what I do. It turned out that many of the women there were interested in connecting with me further, eager to know about my offerings and how they could be a part of my journey. I left the event with a heart full of gratitude, a beautiful piece of clay art, and connections that could lead to future collaborations.
Had I ignored the nudge, I would have missed this entire experience: the creative spark, the conversations, the meaningful connections, and the affirmation that I am on the right path. It’s a reminder that sometimes the most transformative experiences arise from following the tiniest inklings.
Following Intuition for a Life Rich in Connection
When I reflect on moments like this, it feels as though life is conspiring to bring us toward what we need when we are open to it. It's about more than being in the “right place at the right time”; it’s about choosing to trust your inner compass, allowing it to lead you to experiences that help you grow and connect with others.
Often, we think of intuition as something abstract, but it can be as concrete as noticing something, feeling drawn to it, and simply choosing to say yes. These nudges are like gentle pulls from the heart, guiding us to what we need even if we can’t logically justify it at that particular time—but hindsight makes it all come together. It may feel strange at first to follow these impulses—especially if we’re used to planning every step of our lives meticulously—but the rewards can be profound.
Finding the Courage to Say Yes
Following your intuition doesn’t mean you won’t face doubts or hesitation. In my case, I had practical concerns about the cost of the workshop. But in moments of doubt, I've learned to pause and do two things:
What does my body want to do?
Taking the thinking out of the equation and sitting with what feels right is my number one go-to. When I get a clear yes, coming from the heart and moving in my body, I follow it and trust that it is aligned.Ask myself: “What am I afraid of missing?”
Often, fear of the unknown holds us back. But when we acknowledge it and move forward anyway, we invite possibility into our lives.
Learning to trust your intuition is like strengthening a muscle. At first, it may feel uncomfortable or unfamiliar, but with time and practice, you become more attuned to what your heart and intuition are guiding you to do. Whether it’s pursuing a creative project, saying yes to an event, or even reaching out to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while, each small decision builds upon itself, eventually creating a life that feels in harmony with who you truly are.

📸Photography | IG— @andreasartphotography | FB—@Andrea’s Art Photography
Why We’re All Wired for Intuition
Interestingly, the idea of following intuition isn’t new or unique; it’s something humans have always done, whether consciously or unconsciously. Ancient wisdom traditions speak of listening to the "inner voice" or connecting to the "higher self." Across cultures and centuries, people have recognized the importance of aligning with this inner knowing.
Modern science is even beginning to recognize the significance of intuition. Some studies suggest that intuition is a product of our brain’s ability to process information quickly and unconsciously, picking up on subtle cues and patterns before our conscious mind can analyze them. While we may not understand precisely how it works, there is evidence that it does work—that by listening to our intuition, we make decisions that are beneficial for our wellbeing and relationships. This, when they are made from a place of high frequency and presence.
Practical Ways to Tap into Your Inner Knowing
If you’re looking to strengthen your connection to your intuition, here are a few practices that can help you tune in and listen more deeply:
Create Quiet Moments:
In your busy life, it can be challenging to hear your inner voice over the noise. Take time each day, even if it's just a few minutes, to be still, breathe deeply, and quiet your mind. Whether through meditation, journaling, or simply sitting in nature, these moments of stillness can help you hear those gentle nudges more clearly.Trust the Small Impulses:
Start by paying attention to small urges and nudges that arise in your day-to-day life. If something catches your eye or you feel drawn to do something, try following through on that impulse without overthinking. These little acts of trust build confidence in your intuition.Notice the Patterns:
Often, intuition shows up in recurring themes or patterns. If you notice that certain ideas, people, or opportunities keep coming into your life, consider that they might be worth exploring. Life often works in mysterious ways to guide us toward what we need most. When something comes at you from different directions and continuously, with information and opportunities, that is a sign the Universe is nudging and trying to get your attention. The question is… are you listening?Let Go of Overthinking:
Intuition doesn’t operate in the realm of logic alone. Sometimes, you might not have a reason for feeling drawn to something. Instead of analyzing it, give yourself permission to follow that feeling and see where it leads. You will be surprised more times than you can count. Always be in awe of the smallest surprises and insights that come your way!Reflect on the Outcome:
After following your intuition, take time to reflect on what happened. Did something surprising or beneficial come from your decision? Reflecting on these experiences helps reinforce the value of listening to your inner guidance. We dismiss so much in our world when we should be celebrating, acknowledging, and being in gratitude for all that comes our way. Take the time to sit with what has transpired and smile inwardly and outwardly at what you are creating for yourself.
This month, I invite you to follow the nudges that come your way, however small or subtle they may seem. Take note of where these intuitions lead you and what transpires as a result. Every nudge has the potential to open doors you didn’t even know existed. Life has a mysterious way of working out when you allow it to unfold naturally.
While you may never fully understand how intuition operates, trusting that inner compass can help you create a life rich in meaning, connection, and fulfillment. So, the next time you feel that nudge, take a deep breath, follow it, and let the journey unfold. Who knows where it might lead? By practicing your intuitive muscle on the little things and moments, when something big arises in your world, you will trust what your body is showing you and follow it with confidence.
I’d love to hear about your experiences. What nudges have you followed recently, and what insights or connections have they brought into your life? Let’s celebrate the magic of following our intuition and see where it can lead us all.